Health Conditions of Interest Abuse, Abuse (Child), Abuse (Sexual), Abuse (Survivors of), Abuse (Women), Addiction, Addiction (Alcohol / Alcoholism), Addiction (Drugs and Substances), Addiction (Gambling), Alzheimer's Disease, Anxiety Disorders, Anxiety Disorders (Panic), Anxiety Disorders (Phobias), Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)(Adults), Autism Spectrum Disorders, Behavioural and emotional problems, Bereavement, Bipolar Mood Disorders, Brain Injuries, Burnout, Cancer (children), Chronic diseases, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Death and Dying, Dementia, Depression, Depression (Postnatal), Disability (Intellectual), Disability (Physical), Eating Disorders, Epilepsy (Temporal lobe), HIV / AIDS, Learning Difficulties, Memory Impairment, Mental Health, Mood Disorders, Movement Disorders, Personality Disorder (Borderline), Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, Psychotic Disorders, Relationship problems (Co-dependency), Relationship problems (Parent-Child), Relationship problems (Marriage), Schizophrenia, Sexual Disorders, Sleep Disorders, Street children, Stress, Stroke, Suicide, Trauma (Childhood), Trauma (Near-Death Experiences), Trauma (Sexual), Violence
Phone Number +254-723580522
Cellular Phone Number +254-723580522
Street Address (line 1) 573
Street Address (line 2) Riverside
Postal Address (line 1) 197 Nanyuki Kenya
Official Position Consultant Psychologist
Highest Qualification Master of Arts- Counseling Psychology
Practice Number British Psychological Society (BPS)
HPCSA Registration Number 332373