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Mental Health Information Centre - Southern Africa

Mindful Walks

Service Provider Type
Type of Organisation
Private practice
Service Description

Psychologists Fiona and Melissa have formulated a programme that takes clients on therapeutic walks to enable the person to reconnect with themselves in a safe environment supported by qualified counselling psychologists. /nThe process is structured and involves guided walks where the individual is enabled to become mindful and develop a sense of acceptance of the challenges they are experiencing in the here-and now. These Challenges may include Depression, Anxiety, Loss and relationship problems. /nWhilst getting outdoors, back to nature, meeting new people and getting exercise, the person will engage in a structured process of reflective questions that are formulated to support their general wellbeing.

Psychologist (Counselling)
Phone Number
Cellular Phone Number
South Africa
Western Cape
Street Address (line 1)
PO Box 44045
Postal Address (line 1)
PO Box 44045
Postal Code
Practice Number
HPCSA Registration Number
PS 0084557

In partnership with:

University of Stellenbosch
South African Medical Research Council
University of Cape Town