Health Conditions of Interest Abuse, Abuse (Sexual), Abuse (Survivors of), Abuse (Women), Addiction, Addiction (Alcohol / Alcoholism), Addiction (Drugs and Substances), Addiction (Gambling), Anxiety Disorders, Anxiety Disorders (Panic), Anxiety Disorders (Phobias), Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)(Adults), Autism Spectrum Disorders, Behavioural and emotional problems, Bereavement, Bipolar Mood Disorders, Burnout, Chronic diseases, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Death and Dying, Depression, Depression (Postnatal), Disability, Disability (Intellectual), Disability (Physical), Domestic Violence, Eating Disorders, Elderly, Epilepsy, Epilepsy (Temporal lobe), Headaches, HIV / AIDS, Mental Health, Mood Disorders, Neuropsychiatric Disorders, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Pain, Personality Disorder (Borderline), Personality Disorders, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, Poverty, Psychotic Disorders, Relationship problems, Relationship problems (Co-dependency), Relationship problems (Parent-Child), Relationship problems (Marriage), Schizophrenia, Sexual Disorders, Sleep Disorders, Stress, Suicide, Trauma, Trauma (Childhood), Trauma (Near-Death Experiences), Trauma (Sexual), Violence
Phone Number +27-44-533-6821
Emergency Number +27-73-3856-355
Cellular Phone Number +27-82-8633-159
Fax Number +27-86-5101339
Street Address (line 1) PO Box 1244
Street Address (line 2) 95 Longships Drive
Postal Address (line 1) PO Box 1244
Postal Address (line 2) 95 Longships Drive
Highest Qualification Psychology Masters
Practice Number PS0116416 Psychologist
HPCSA Registration Number Department Social Development - 0470010448850