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Mental Health Information Centre - Southern Africa


Kwesbaar agter maskers

Die dood van Robin Williams het mense opnuut laat dink aan die multi-dimensionaliteit van menswees, skryf Linette Retief.

Upscaling Mental Health Services

Based on the lack of Mental Health services at community level, as highlighted by our Mental Health Societies and Member […]

The Neurobiology of Resilience

What makes one person more resilient to stress than another?

Akteur neem sy eie lewe ‘Die wêreld het een van sy mooiste mense verloor’

Lees hier.

Maltreatment affects the way children’s genes are activated

In a new study, researchers found that maltreatment affects the way children’s genes are activated.

Understanding substance abuse

Opinion article by Mr Shaun Shelly, the Substance Use Programme Manager at Hope House Counselling Centre, a non-governmental organisation offering […]

Healthy living can reverse the cellular impacts of stress: study

Healthy habits make it possible to overcome stress on a cellular level, according to a new study that involved female […]

It’s all in your head

Neuroscientists and specialists gathered at the Brainstorm the City Winter School last week. The M&G’s science editor selects the highlights.

Africa Check: Do a third of South Africans really suffer from mental illness?

A news report in South Africa stated that a third of South Africans suffer from mental illnesses.

The Neuroprotective Effects of Education

 Few would doubt the benefits of education

Mental Health Topics

In partnership with:

University of Stellenbosch
South African Medical Research Council
University of Cape Town